Do I need to pump?


Kind of a loaded question! The answer is… it depends.

If nursing is going well and you won’t be apart from your baby, then you never HAVE to pump.

I think (probably because of social media and all the images we see of pumped milk) that many parents assume that they will be attached to their baby AND a pump for the duration of their breastfeeding journey. Sometimes, this is the case. But not in every situation!

If your baby is not nursing at the breast or is not nursing effectively at the breast, then yes, you will need to pump to build your supply. Make sure you are working with an IBCLC to help you navigate the territory of practicing nursing, supplementing your baby, and building up your supply!

If you will be separated from your baby and missing some nursing sessions together then yes, you’ll need to pump.

I hope that helps! There is a lot of nuance here, this is a super simple explanation so if you need to set up a consultation, please shoot me an email!





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