New Mom Gift Guide
Is it just me or the amount of baby gadgets and accessories completely overwhelming?
Here are my ideas for some things to add to your registry or ask for from family or friends. They aren’t your typical gift ideas, but they are SO valuable.
Meals! If someone offers to set up a meal train for you, let them. Or if someone asks, “Can I bring you dinner?” Say YES.
Help with housework. Registries like Baby List let you add services like this. Do it. You don’t need to register for more swaddle blankets.
A lactation consultation (obviously I’m adding this one haha). Even if breastfeeding is going really well, one session with an IBCLC can be so beneficial to help boost confidence and get all of your questions answered. Put a consultation on your registry and someone can purchase one for you!
Activities for the older siblings. It depends on the age of the kids, but there is so much attention on the new baby so some special things for the other kids can go a long way. For a toddler who might need some distraction while the baby is being fed, having a couple of toys that only come out when the baby is eating can help distract them and make them feel special
Loungewear. That’s all you’re going to be wearing for the foreseeable future, so ask for some stuff that you like! The baby doesn’t need more clothing- ask for some for yourself!
A photo session! Ask for money towards a newborn photo shoot. (A family shoot- get in the photos!)
That’s it! Those are my favorite “not typical” gift ideas for a new mom. What would you add to this list?
I’m happy you’re here!